Friday, September 30, 2011

Ice Cube Painting

In July it was so hot!  We were finding new and interesting ways to keep cool and I found and idea that we couldn't pass up!  Ice cube painting!  We put a few drops of food coloring into water in ice cube trays.  We froze them and then when they were frozen, we had a blast!

Strawberry Picking

Charlie's Aunt Cara and I took him strawberry picking at Indian Ladder Farms.  He had a really nice time and was overall a pretty decent berry picker (for being 2).  When he got bored he found a nice crack in one of the hoses they used to water the strawberries and played in that until we were done (and he was soaked).

First Camping Trip of the Summer

We went to North-South Lake in June for our first camping trip of the summer.  We went down Friday night, and ended up bailing Saturday morning when we awoke to puddles in our tent!  Overall, it was... an experience.  But Charlie had a blast, and that made it ok!

Partridge Run

There is a nice, big tract of state land with some nice trails not too far from my parents'.  We went up there in June to take a nice walk- Loki even came along!  Charlie fell asleep on the way, but when he woke up, he was recharged and ready to go!

The "New Playground"

We took Charlie to the Elm Avenue Park and he just loves the playground there.  Because we had been going to another playground more regularly, he refers to this one as the "new playground."  

Mema and Gaga's for Easter

My parents host Easter for our entire family every year.  It ends up being quite the gathering, but everyone enjoys it!   The Easter Bunny even comes and hides eggs for the kids!

Easter Morning

The Easter Bunny came to our house Easter morning and Charlie was one lucky little boy!  The Bunny knew he was going to get some candy at Mema and Gaga's, so he got a few small toys instead.  He was super excited!

Easter Egg Hunt

We took Charlie to the egg hunt at a church in Delmar. It was really cute- they had games set up for the kids and he really enjoyed himself. They separated them by ages to hunt in different rooms (it was raining outside), and it was funny to see how many of the smaller kids were just like Charlie- they were eager to see what was inside each egg- the egg hunt took quite awhile because they inspected each one before it went into their buckets!

Coloring Easter Eggs

We had such a good time coloring Easter Eggs- Charlie was disappointed we didn't have more to color!

The boy and his trains...

There was also a "tot room" at the Children's museum and they had a giant train table set up. Charlie's obsession with trains has yet to fade, even slightly, so he was super excited!