Monday, August 18, 2008
A doggy death march...
Loki was a trooper. Before we even got to the High Falls, he was pooping out on us. We ended up walking right by the falls, because there was no clear indication (you know, like a sign) to let us know we were there, but we did find them! Its really pretty neat, because the waterfalls are just tucked away in the middle of the city. You sort of stumble upon them.
Loki didn't care much for the falls, and basically couldn't get into the car by the time we got back because he was so tired. He slept the entire way home....
Garage Sale Gurus
We finally figured out her secret though- you have to stop and look at garage sales! We stopped at a few this weekend and got some good deals. We got a crockpot (ours bit the dust a few weeks back) for only a dollar. It works and we have ribs cooking in there now. Its missing a leg, but Martin said he can fix that no problem. We also got a book on homemade pasta (we got a pasta maker at the beginning of this summer and the recipes will be a good inspiration) for only 25 cents. Our other big deal is kind of gimmicky- but we got a fried onion making kit for 50 cents, and figured since we enjoyed the one we had for lunch, maybe we'll cook some up for our friends....
Those were this weekend's finds.... good deals... and by not buying new, we are doing our part to "reduce, reuse, recycle."
Veggies for the week...
We also got a nice big container of tomatoes and some peppers from Martin's father who has quite the garden of his own.
We went out and about on Saturday morning and ended up at one of the local farmer's markets. We got some really nice looking sweet corn for a good price and its right out of Elba, so its local!
So this week's menu is being planned around all of these nice veggies we need to consume....
A fair is a veritable smorgasbord orgasbord orgasbord ...

Wednesday, August 13, 2008
A week's worth of words...

Mom recently acquired some bicycles and has been very diligent about riding every day. Which meant that while I was home, I had to ride every day too. I forgot how sore a bike makes your tush when you aren't used to it! Whew...
Thursday, my parents and I packed up from Westerlo and headed out to Delta Lake State Park for some camping in the rain! Dad was prepared- with two huge tarps, and we stayed nice and dry thankfully. Martin came out Friday night to meet us (with Loki in tow) and Saturday the sun came out all day. It was a good trip and it got us wanting to go camping at least once more before year's end. (We remembered the camera but forgot to take pictures!)
So we got home on Sunday and first thing Monday morning Loki and I drove out to Porter Farms to get our veggies for the week. Martin's got all the details on this weeks 20.2 pounds of veggies, here, on his blog. But here's a picture anyways...
Loki was so excited to have gotten to go "bye-bye" in the car that he came running through the house and ended up sliding on the floor and wacking into the bannister, the poor guy got a nice little gash on his face:
We then spent yesterday cleaning and baking, mostly finding "creative" ways to use up our zucchini. Zucchini bread and zucchini and cheese "scones" were the result... both were delicious, though I ended up with way too much bread and ended up freezing half of it. More for later... mmm.
So that's the update..... oh, and I've decided to work on painting the front hall/stairway. So spackling happened this morning and color choosing will be next!